Short Insight on Hebrews 11

A question asked some months back.

Pastor, can I say Hebrews 11:1 is a simple definition of Faith and how can that translate to my actions walking by Faith? 

Firstly, Hebrews 11:1 is not a definition of Faith. 


This is not a definition of faith but be read in continuity from Heb.10:39. Faith in the Old Testament is something they hoped for but was not seen – Jesus was a promise, now a reality to us and for us!

Faith must be interpreted contextually and textually. The scriptures would easily be understood if interpreted contextually and not textually.

Faith is both a noun and an action.

“I have faith” – noun. I do certain things – verb.

Hab.2:4 – faith is a verb, Heb.11:1, Phil.3:9, Gal.6:10 – faith is a noun.

Heb.11:3 – all the people had faith because of their actions was faith in what God said.

So, a Believer can have faith in the son of God (noun) but there is no faith in his actions. He or she has to understand or be taught.

Heb.11:6 – refers to Enoch how he diligently sought God.

Faith actions are actions on the word, Faith cannot act outside the word.

Faith will always have a witness or evidence.

Rom.10:17 – Is.51:1, Mk.16:15-17 – believing comes by hearing the gospel.

We observed Jesus mentioned  closely two instances

Matt 8 – The Centurion

Jesus referred to the man’s faith and called it great faith.

The Syro-phooenician woman

Jesus located faith in her speech and called it great faith.

Jesus in these two instances referred to “great faith” which was premised on what they said, evident in their actions.

Faith is different from wishful thinking because it is premised on the word of God. For it to be faith, it has to be the Word so there must be knowledge of how the word works because we are born of the word – 1Pet.1:23, Jam.1:17, 1Jhn.3:9.

How and where do I receive the word?


You buy a car for your aged parents and maybe your dad keeps looking for the key and told him it is keyless. He says, “how do we start it? “  That maybe somewhat confusing.

There ought to be an understanding of where the word of God is received.

The word is a seed – it must be planted and not just remain in your possession.

Don’t just rejoice over the seed or keep the bag of seed rather it must be put to work or use.

The word is Food – it must be eaten. 

It is not good enough to hear the word in Church rather it must be taken (acted upon). 1Pet.4:6, Deut. 6 – it is the soul that needs the food.

The word is medicine – The doctor determines how to use drugs, hence the word determines how it should be used and the dosage must be followed. The drugs must be at the right place. Prov.4:20 – the medicine is to be used in the heart.

Writing in church does a major role, to put the word in your heart.

Eph.1:17 – eyes of understanding is the soul/heart. The heart (cardia) is the core/center of a person’s being and it is usually affected when alone. So, cardia deals with emotions, intellect and thinking process hence the word of God comes for the soul and emotions.

The word of God must enter the heart to affect the core of one’s being, reasoning pattern, this is not for preaching but for yourself.

How does the word get to the heart?

There must be an understanding of how every other things gets to the heart. When we see a difference in people it is always the result of influence. 

There are  three gates to the human heart.

1. Eyes

Things get to the heart from being seen. The eye is a gate so the word must be read and studied to get to the heart.

Example – TV’s, magazines often influence people and their reactions so the things that are not watched cannot influence anyone so the word must be read.

1Tim.4:13, 2Tim.2:15 – study to show thyself approved.

2. Ears

The ears work faster than the eyes.

Prov. 4:20, Mk.4:24 – take heed what you hear.

Hence, the information in Church will influence us – church meetings, songs will influence.

3. Mouth

Josh.1:8, 1Tim.4:15 – the things are said get to the heart by imagination and meditation.

Hence, attention must be paid to words, jokes, songs etc.

Even just singing some songs we are careful what we say they have some spiritual significance.

Songs are spiritual because they come from the soul so the target is the soul. Sing the right songs because they affect the heart. 

Words spoken around us come for the heart so the speaking of God’s word must be aggressive, not for others but for yourself! It’s for your faith not others faith in you!

– When things are heard long enough, there comes an agreement. There must be conscious actions taken to guard the heart like walking away, refuse to company.

– Satan spoke to Jesus to influence him hence no one is immune from the effect of words.

The Word works with Certain Attitudes;

Sincerity – 1Pet.2:2, Lk.8:15

Diligence – it involves discipline Prov.4:20-23, Josh.1:8.

Humility – Jam.1:21 – to receive it with meekness irrespective of the person teaching. Be ready to be taught and received. 

Joy – there must be gladness to receive the word of God. Other thoughts must be set aside to allow the entry of the word – Jam.1:21, 25.

So, God wants to change the way we talk, see and reason and it will happen by allowing the word of God influence us.


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